PACTs Parent and children together (secondary)

Enhance or improve parent-child relationships at school.

60 of the best 6-12 education micro lessons that empower newcomer parents, teens and tweens to navigate the school system together and graduate.

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Standards-Based Video Lessons

60 Engaging 2-D animated video lessons informed by the U.S. Department of Education Title I Part A Policy and Newcomer Tool Kit and National PTA Standards for Family-School Partnerships.

3E Lessons & Reading Material

The built-in three pillars of compassionate communication, Empathy, Education, and Empowerment help parents and facilitators engage in meaningful conversation.

Discussion & Reflection Questions

Engage parents in deep discussions. Encourage parents to reflect on school cultural in a way that deepens their understanding and connection with the school.

Vocabulary for English Learners

Key vocabulary and phrases are emphasized throughout lessons, helping English languages learners become more familiar with education terminology and acronyms.

Closed Captioning in English & Spanish

Video lessons are accessible to deaf and hard of hearing individuals and individuals for whom English is a second language, helping them to learn the info more easily.

Easy & Engaging Read

Lessons are written at a reading level that is accessible to low-educated parents, ensuring comprehension. Plus, embedded emojis enrich conversations, adding meaning and value to the lessons.

tiny lesson for parents

BIG impact for children

Tips-By-Text Message

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Daily interactive lessons delivered to busy parents via SMS text, WhatsApp, or email.