Good Talk

When you partner with EchoED, your subscription helps fund access to multilingual interpreters for parents and caregivers across the U.S. who need it to meaningfully communicate with their children’s schools.

EchoED social impact, image of woman on phone

Social Impact ·

Social Impact ·

image of a happy family

Our After Hours Interpreter services ensure parents and caregivers who have limited English literacy or lack digital literacy can initiate phone calls and meaningfully communicate with their child’s school. Services available in the top 12 languages spoken by English language learners in U.S. schools.

We're in business to improve lives.

As the founder of EchoED, Dr. Dayana “Dee” Philippi genuinely believes it is possible to do well by doing a social good.

As a social enterprise, we take the principles of entrepreneurship to find sustainable solutions to a social problem— lackluster parent and family engagement in vulnerable language communities.

EchoED is laser-focused on tackling the sources of communication inequality that hinder multicultural parent and family engagement in schools.

Partnerships Make Impact Possible

Our partnerships fund After Hours Interpreters for parents and caregivers and positively impact linguistically vulnerable communities and classrooms across the nation.