EchoED Team Tools

This is how we work smarter, not harder.

After Hours Log

Log and update call outcomes and parent-sourced feedback from EchoED After Hours outbound services.

Instructional Tools


Core Curricula

Core Knowledge Sequence provides a guide for Language Arts, History and Geography, and Science lessons. Core Knowledge believes that every child in a democracy should have access to shared, enabling knowledge.

The Early Learning Matters (ELM) Curriculum is a comprehensive, research-informed program to support the optimal learning and development of children from birth to five years of age.


Reading & Math

Reading Horizons A versatile direct instruction and software program that provides resources to give students the foundation to build strong reading and spelling skills and put them on the path to reading.

Stay motivated, gain fluency and confidence! IXL- helps students master essential skills in reading & Math. Summer Bridge Activities provide quick, fun and interactive questions.


Social Studies & Science

The Resource Library from National Geographic has thousands of resources including videos, lesson plans, interactive games, and general information on a variety of STEM, history, arts, and other topics.

Generation Genius is a K-8 teaching resource that brings school science standards to life through fun & educational videos paired with lesson plans, activities, quizzes, & more!

Prepare to make a difference!